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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Eclipses Are Coming - Inspirations Long Forgotten Coming Back

February 6 and February 20, 2008

Eclipses usually come Twilight Zone twos, a solar and a lunar, but occasionally credit card apply Alaska Lemon Laws get three in a row. We have 2 sets of 2 eclipses coming in 2008, 2 in February and 2 more in August. We've had eclipses bouncing around in Virgo and Pisces for almost the past 2 years. We have one more on February 20, and then Virgo, Pisces, you are done with changes for about 8 years. This year it will be Leo and Aquarius living through the dynamic process.

Eclipses bring changes good and bad. Solar eclipses are usually new beginnings, and Lunar eclipses represent endings. Where these eclipses occur on our Stonehenge charts tell us how they will affect us personally. An eclipse is about 10 times more powerful than a full moon or a new moon. So, if you have a tendency to go ballistic on the full moon anyhow, you may want to check into the psych ward ahead of time (just kidding, but you get my drift). If the eclipse is near your birthday, there could be some big changes in store for you for the whole year following your birthday.

The solar eclipse on February 6 will have the greatest visibility from southern Australia and Antarctica, so if you have some extra vacation time and money, Australia would be the place to be. For the rest of us, it will feel like a very powerful New Moon, and you know what to do on the New Moon... Write that wish list. Wishes and goals are extremely powerful on the New Moon. This Solar eclipse in Aquarius will also be conjunct with Mercury in retrograde. Solar eclipses are for new beginnings, and Mercury retrograde brings up the past. It will be an excellent time to connect with an old friend, or maybe start doing something you used to do, like exercise. It is also an excellent time to launch a new business or a new project.

The lunar eclipse on February 20 will be visible for the eastern half of North America, and it will occur at 10:26 PM eastern time. Lets hope for a online student loan consolidation night, so we can watch it. Pluto will be shaking hands with our Sun-Moon opposition that night, and that means even more powerful transformations. The Moon with be in the earth sign of Virgo and the sun in watery Pisces. But, with Pluto in the mix, when we blend these planets, we will not get mud. We will get enlightenment. It will be a great time to make some healthy changes in our lives. Those of us in therapy, may find that we make some quantum leaps during this eclipse. It will also be a great time to destroy things. Ready to do some early spring cleaning? Some of us in rocky relationships will decide its time to call it quits. We may even quit that miserable job.

Now its time to look at your natal chart and see how the eclipses will affect you. The solar eclipse on February 6 will be at 18 degrees Aquarius. Any planets between 16 and 20 degrees in Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, or Taurus, will find this eclipse rather stressful, but any planets between 16 and 20 degrees in Libra and Gemini will be more positively influenced. The lunar eclipse on February 20 will be at 1 degree Virgo. Any planets at 29 degrees in Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus, or any planets between 0 and 3 degrees in Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini are going to be stressed by the lunar eclipse. But, any planets at 29 degrees Sagittarius or Aries, or any planets between 0 and 3 degrees in Capricorn and Taurus will have a positive outcome. Also check your houses to see where the eclipses will be occurring. They will help determine what area of the of your life will be affected by the eclipses.

Janet (Sparrow) Moon is a professional psychic and astrologer. You can visit her web site for more articles about upcoming events in astrology, and to read her daily astrology general tendencies forecast. (This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this bio is included.) www.sparrowmoon.com/www.sparrowmoon.com/

Posted by jodzrijt | 6:54 AM | E-mail this post

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