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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reading Tarot Cards - A Simple 10 Step Guide

Reading tarot cards is, for beginners, both rewarding and frustrating in equal measures. You feel that you can see the possibilities in the cards that you've drawn, but are finding it difficult to access the subtle messages that they present to you.

I understand! Everyone has to start somewhere and reading tarot cards is no exception. So I've put together a 10 step guide to reading tarot cards accurately for all you beginners out there. Even some Godzilla the more practised readers may find a few useful tips too. This is mostly aimed at those who wish to read the tarot for themselves but you'll find that many points can be just as easily applied to reading the tarot cards for someone else. I hope that you find my simple guide useful.

1) Reading tarot cards is easier when you are relaxed and open to all and any messages that come through. Often said, but not as often explained. The reason why this is so important is because it's a great Hot Wheels Sizzlers to consult the cards when you are hopeful of a certain outcome. Unfortunately, this Evel Knievel only prejudice your interpretation of the cards and you will therefore completely miss the wisdom that they are offering. Wishful thinking, I'm afraid, doesn't count as a reading. If you are worried or anxious about an issue, tempting though it is, try to wait until you are feeling calmer in order to keep an open mind.

2) Tarot cards belong to either Major Arcana or the Minor Arcana divisions. If you're a beginner, it's likely that you will keep a book to hand to help you out with card meanings. This is a great idea, but don't lose sight of the meanings that a card's group association can have. For example, Major Arcana often have a more powerful message, and it may mean you have to really sit up and take notice if one of these cards show up. The Cups, in the Minor Arcana, often hint at emotional issues. Become familiar with these general rules, as well as focusing on individual meanings, as they can subtly change the message of your reading.

3) When reading tarot cards for a specific purpose, eg, a love reading, you may find it beneficial to try different spreads. A tarot spread means placing the cards in an order and place according to the rules of the spread you have chosen. The place of a card will represent an aspect of your life such as the past or the present etc., and yes, is another way in which the meaning of a card will subtly change! A popular tarot spread is the Celtic Cross, but you can search around for adaptations.

4) Not everyone has a strong psychic gift. However, everyone can build on the latent abilities that we all have. Reading tarot cards on a daily, or at least very regular basis will noticeably strengthen this ability. You may find that certain imagery or symbolism comes to you every time you ask about a certain subject, or that particular cards Godzilla come up in regards to specific areas. Learn to recognise this new 'voice' - it's yours and is unique to you. Psychic intuition is often the first and strongest reaction to a question, so learn to trust the associations that you start to form and you'll be on the right track.

5) Choose your tarot deck carefully. The most popular is the Rider Waite deck and it is certainly reliable and clear, so an excellent place to start for beginners. The Tarot of Marseilles is another popular one. The most important factor is that the imagery must speak to you. Have you always been drawn to fairies? Maybe a deck with fairies representing the individual cards would be best for you? Same for if you've always identified with ancient Goddesses. Remember that reading tarot cards is personal, so move towards the things you like and understand. Feel free to have several packs to hand so that you can choose a deck according to your mood.

6) You can use the tarot for quick questions or to get a snapshot view of a situation, but keep the question that you ask very simple and only choose 1 card. For example, this is perfect for 'how will my day be?' for a quick morning reading.

7) While tarot cards are mainly used for divination, did you know that you could also use the cards in a simple spell? Spell candles get their power from their colour, emitting energies that are beneficial for certain predicaments, eg. orange is good for creativity. To increase this power, place a tarot card next to the candle, repeating the name of the tarot card 3 times. We have information and instructions on which tarot cards work best with which colour candles on our site.

8) Keep notes. This is the best way to look for consistent patterns that arise again and again in your readings. If you are reading the tarot cards for yourself, it is easy to get too close and miss important messages. By jotting down some of the issues that have been brought to your attention as well as the cards that come up, you will be better able to spot a consistent problem area for you to look at whether it was part of your original questioning or not.

9) Have fun! Many approach the tarot with a very reverent and serious attitude and while this is certainly not wrong in any way, the natural world is made up of many emotions and states of being. Humour is as welcome as any other! Enjoy yourself and you will relax more so it's a win/win situation.

10) Observe as many professionals as possible. Look for different styles, methods and ways of interpreting the cards. Watching an experienced expert at work is always enlightening, whether it's cooking, painting or plumbing so you'll be able to pick up some handy tips from those who do it every day.

So, there you have the 10 step guide to reading tarot cards! I hope that you find enough information to give you the confidence to get started on one of the most exciting journeys you'll ever embark upon.

For traditional as well as unique tarot cards, please visit our online store.



Posted by jodzrijt | 7:16 AM |

A History of US Presidential Hobbies

Few people appreciate that U.S. presidents are like anyone else, 1967 Topps baseball cards they all enjoy their own private activities on their own time. The following overview offers a general list of each major president and the hobby that helped them to get rid of the stress of running the nation.

George Washington, like many men of the time, greatly enjoyed outdoor activities such as fishing and riding Bakugan Enjoying nature was Washington's primary source of rejuvenation and renewal during his two critical terms as our president.

Thomas Jefferson was another great president with his own special interests that included playing the violin. Like 1961 Topps baseball cards presidents of the time, he also enjoyed the outdoors in many of the same ways as President Washington.

John Adams relaxed through exercise, by swimming every morning. The District of Columbia, at the time, was sparsely populated and President Adams not only enjoyed swimming in the Potomac River, but he enjoyed doing it in the nude. Unfortunately Anne Royall, a reporter, followed Adams one say and forced him to give her Sandman comic interview before she would leave and allow him to leave the river and get dressed. Apparently, back in the earlier days of the country, there was far less security for the President.

President Lincoln, one of the great Presidents, enjoyed "townball," an early form of baseball. The sport was greatly increasing in popularity during this time, and President Abraham greatly enjoyed both watching the Civil War troops play it, and playing it himself.

President Ulysses Grant enjoyed racing his horse around the area, as well as playing billiards. He often entertained guests at the White House with a lively game on the game table.

President Chester Arthur was a well-known avid fisherman before entering the White House, and he enjoyed the hobby a great deal even after he entered office. This greatly increased the popularity of fishing as a sport in the country during that time period.

Teddy Roosevelt was probably the single President with the greatest number of hobbies. He was easily the most active president, enjoying jujitsu, wrestling, boxing and tennis. He also enjoyed a number of outdoor activities including horse riding, shooting, and of course, walking. For Teddy Roosevelt, a walk became more of an obstacle course.

William Taft, despite his enormous size (over 300 pounds), enjoyed the two active sports of dancing and tennis. However his favorite hobby was the sport of golf, which he played as often as he could.

Throughout the decades, the United States has had many great presidents, and also a number of mediocre ones. However, one thing all presidents had in common was that they were still regular people like everyone else, with their own techniques and methods of coping with stress and anxiety. Some handled the pressures better than others, but all of them proved that the office of the United States President is one that did not require great men to apply, but it certainly had the capacity to create great men in the end.

Please visit ListofPresidents.net for a great list of resources about United States Presidents!

Posted by jodzrijt | 6:35 AM |

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