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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Furreal Friends Biscuit, My Lovin' Pup - Is it a Great Toy For Christmas?

Would your kids Vampirella to have a puppy round the house? They've probably begged you for a pet of their own. Kids love animals, it's true.

But who is going to look after it? Pets need quality time just like the rest of us 1970 71 Topps basketball cards how can you fit their needs around those of the rest of your family?

But Space 1999 won't stop your kids begging you for that lovely, cuddly puppy, right?

Well Hasbro may have just come up with the answer...

Their latest in the Furreal Friends line is Biscuit, My Lovin' Pup. Biscuit, My Lovin' Pup is a life like Golden Retriever puppy that your kids will love just like a real one. With his soft coat and glossy, pleading eyes plus he is 21" tall he is indeed very life like.

Your kids will love how Biscuit, My Lovin' Pup will recognize their name and will respond to six different commands, including "sit," "sit up and beg," "lie down," "give me a paw," "speak" and "do you want a treat? How cool is that?

But it doesn't stop there Biscuit, My Lovin' Pup will bark, wag his tail, blink, sniff his bone, eat his tasty puppy treat and move his ears, just like a real live puppy.

So how does Biscuit do that?

Furreal Friends Biscuit, My Lovin' Pup by Hasbro uses innovative motion sensing technology located right behind the ears. Nine sensors allow Biscuit to respond when your kids pet him or issue a voice command. For example Biscuit will bark whenever your kids speak directly to him, what kids wouldn't love that?

Tell Biscuit to give you his paw and he'll raise his right or left paw ask him if he wants a treat, and he'll nod and whimper to let you know he's ready for his dog "bone"

The Furreal Friends Biscuit, My Lovin' Pup by Hasbro is sure to make your children happy this Christmas, they'll have a pet of their own, plus you won't have the worry of taking care of it.

Kids love Biscuit, My Lovin Pup, find out more here: http://www.top-christmasgiftsonline.com/BiscuitMyLovinPup.html

For more great Star Wars cards toys this Christmas visit http://www.top-christmasgiftsonline.com

Posted by jodzrijt | 6:43 AM |

Educational Toys Help Children's' Learning

We live in a day and age where children are watching TV and playing video Sandman comic all of the time. Sure, it may seem as if video games and television stimulate a Ouija boards Micro Machines but many times kids are sitting there like zombies. Unless the television show is an educational show that doesn't bore the child or the video game is something that involves a certain degree of strategy, they're not getting too much out of these two things. Most of all, they are not exactly using their imaginations in a world that requires its occupants to be imaginative in order to survive personally and occupationally.

As convenient as television and video games are at keeping the kids busy and behaved, it is time for parents to rebel. The revolt begins as the child develops by using such things as educational toys. Adults use puzzles, brain teasers, and other things that require thought to keep their minds sharp. It has been shown that adults who stay on top of their game with activities that make them think are taking an active measure toward preventing Alzheimer's. By incorporating such things into a child's life and keeping those activities as part of their life, a parent is taking an active role in ensuring that their child's mind stays sharp. It is also important to emphasize to that child how important such activities are as an adult so that they can take a preventive measure toward diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia.

Educational toys

Educational toys come in many different types and are available for children as soon as they learn how to grab things. They can be something as simple as a puppet or matching shapes. The child is forced to think and the colorful pieces that come with these toys make the activity interesting. What makes these activities even more interesting is when the parent is involved and praising the child when the child is successful.

Starting these activities early means that the child is going to get a developmental head start and will be using strategy easily by the time he or she begins kindergarten. Your child will have the mental maturity needed to make it through the world if you start stimulating their brains early and making it fun to learn. When kids don't have fun learning is when they have learning difficulties throughout their entire lives. This isn't always the case, but it has been known to happen. Many children loathe learning for one reason or another, so using educational toys can make it fun and rewarding.

Keeping it up

There are educational toys for children of all ages, so it is good to always make Diamond Stars there are fun educational toys around the house that are age or intelligence appropriate. And yes, there are some wonderful brain teasers and other educational games on video game systems and computers. When the child reaches a certain age, using these as learning tools can be great. There are also great television programs that make a child think and make learning fun. It is just a matter of placing restrictions on how much time is spent using these electronic tools and making sure there is plenty of time that you and your child are doing fun learning activities together. By taking a time out and doing these activities with your child, you are not only stimulating their brain, but you are actually stimulating your own. The two of you are also spending quality time together in a world that makes quality time very difficult. So it is easy to see how educational toys can benefit you and your child in more ways than just learning.

Mastermind Toys offers a wide range of children's toys and educational toys for kids of all ages.

Posted by jodzrijt | 6:09 AM |

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