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Friday, January 9, 2009

Aviation Careers For Online Aviation Degree Holders

Aviation Careers

Aviation is very fascinating profession. It has major impact on economic condition of world. Aviation industry not only include pilot/flyers only, all others working beyond the cockpit are also belong to aviation. Aviation professionals works in different departments of aviation industry. These departments include aircraft design, system engineering, test piloting, search and rescue, human factors, air traffic control, jet mechanics, electrical engineering, computer systems, airport management, space exploration and customer service. You will explore ample opportunities in aviation industry. Aviation or aerospace industry can broadly divided into:

Flight operations
Airport management
Air traffic and navigation services
Aviation maintenance and repair
Passenger and freight services
Ground handling and emergency services
Weather services
Design and construction
Aviation law
Legislation and enforcement
Aviation administration
Ancillary services
Aviation safety
Miscellaneous functions
Aviation Medicine

Airline Careers

Airlines are considered as one of the largest employer in economic industry. People may think that airline careers are limited pilots and flight attendants. The situation is entirely different numbers of careers are available in airline. High school students to college degree holders with specialized training in aviation can join different careers in airline. Following are some careers in airline.

Airport Manager
Fixed-base Operator Manager
Line person
Station Manager
Scheduling Coordinator
Flight Dispatcher
Air Traffic Controller
Safety Inspector
Concession Workers
Fire and Crash Rescue
Ground Attendant
Ramp Service Personnel
Cabin Maintenance Mechanic
Ramp Planner
Customer Service Representative
Ticket Agent
Reservation Sales Agent
Flight Attendant
Baggage Handler
Sky Cap
Cargo Handler
Air Freight/Cargo Agent
Passenger Service Agent

Engineering Careers

Engineers play several roles in aircraft manufacturing. Students with college degrees and specific technical training can join engineering careers in aviation. Following are some engineering careers in aviation.

Manufacturing Engineers
Aeronautical, Aerospace, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineers

Pilot Careers

Many options are also available for pilots other than airlines. Commercial pilot certificate, second class medical certificate and specialized training are necessary to join aviation as pilot. Airline Transport Rating and first class medical certificates are also prerequisite to join aviation as pilot for some pilot careers. Different pilot careers are available in aviation include following

Agriculture Pilot
Air Traffic Reporting Pilot
Airline Pilot
Helicopter Pilot
Corporate Pilot
Air Taxi Pilot
Flight Instructor
Military Pilot

Aircraft Maintenance & Manufacturing

Aircraft manufacturing companies assemble wide variety of aircraft such as Boeing and Airbus, Pilatus, Cessna and Eclipse. These aircraft manufacturing companies offer many careers in aircraft manufacturing and maintenance in aviation industry. Working as professional in aircraft maintenance & manufacturing you will be designing airplanes of tomorrow from single-engine personal aircraft to huge aircraft. Highly Ritalin engineers and technician are eligible to join this career. College degree holders can work as engineer while technician, mechanics and assemblers are required to have high school diploma. Avionics specialist is also very demanding career in aviation. Avionics specialist installs and service aircraft electronic. Following is the list of important careers available in aircraft maintenance & manufacturing.

Airframe or Power Plant Mechanic
Avionics Specialist
Electrical Installers & Technician
Tool, Jig & Fixture Maker
Machine Tool Operator
Sheet Metal Fabrication
Assembly Installation
Quality Control Technician

Government Careers for Aviation Professional

U.S. government provides number of opportunities in aviation industry. Federal Aviation Administration, National Transportation Safety Administration (NTSB) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are the largest government employer providing jobs for aviation professionals. Career opportunities available in government for aviation specialist are as follows

Accident Investigator
Aeronautical Engineer
Aerospace Engineers
Air Traffic Controller
Aviation Attorney
Information Systems Specialist
Operations Supervisor
Safety Inspector
Security Specialist
Technicians (Avionics/Electronics)

Salary Information for Various Careers in Aviation

Following is the average per year salary information for some careers in aviation.

Airport Careers can earn year from $30821 to 91,563
Avionic specialist can earn from $40,000 to $70,000
Engineering and Aerospace can earn from $24,000 to $200,000
Pilot can earn from $16,000 to $140,340

Aviation profession is vital part of modern society. Demand for qualified professionals is increasing day by day for various careers in the field of aviation. Aviation industry offers number of aviation career opportunities to personals with diverse interest, skills and backgrounds. It depends on personal interest which career you want to join in aviation industry. To become professional in any field of aviation you have to gain any degree in the field of aviation sciences. Different degrees from entry level to advance level are available in aviation.

These degrees include associate in aviation, bachelors in aviation, and masters in aviation. You can earn any degree according to your need. If you are fresh student and want to enter in the field of aviation you can join associates degree in aviation. But if you are in middle of your career in aviation and you want to improve your skills bachelors and master degree in aviation is best for you. These two degrees upgrade your knowledge and skills. Now it has become very easy to gain these degrees. If you are not able to gain degree in traditional manner you can go for online degrees in aviation.

Different top accredited online universities and online colleges offer online degrees in aviation. Online degrees available in the field of aviation include Online Associates in Aviation, Online Bachelors in Aviation and Online Masters in Aviation.

If you further wish to know about Aviation Degrees Online and also want to know about top accredited online universities for Aviation Degrees Online you can visit this website www.onlineaviationdegree.net/http://www.onlineaviationdegree.net/ it will provide you complete information about them.

Posted by jodzrijt | 11:55 PM |

How to Buy Hockey Skates

You can't underestimate the importance of skates. Your feet need to be one with the ice. You need speed, control and protection. Skates are the foundation that all other skills are built on... so don't put your son or daughter behind the 8-ball, by messing this up.

I've put together a helpful guide for you. Don't get fooled by flashy designs, it's important to interpret the features and benefits, and narrow down the right pair for your kids game.


Crosby, Hanson Brothers or shinny? It's essential to know what type of player your son or daughter is in order to determine the skates they need.

If hockey is a big part of your life... Look for a stiff boot to give your player ultimate power transfer. Go with carbon-reinforced outsoles and heat-moulded or memory foam.


Boot: Comfort from custom fitting, protection from reinforced toe caps, and tough nylon for durability can improve your performance. For most players, the boot is the most important part of the skate. On top of fit, you need protection, comfort, durability and support.

Get the right protection

The only thing standing between your foot and a puck travelling 80 km/h is your skate. Look for features that offer protection. Tendon guards protect vulnerable areas of your ankles while reinforced toe caps prevent injury to your toes and forefoot.

Keep your feet dry

The big technology story in skate liners is moisture management. If your skate soaks up your sweat, it becomes heavy. Your feet will also stay wet leaving you prone to blisters and chafing. A liner engineered with moisture management properties will wick sweat away from your foot, transporting it to the outer surface of the liner. From there, the moisture evaporates leaving you dry in a lightweight skate.

Take the bite out of your laces

Lace bite is when the laces pinch your skin between the tongue and boot. To prevent it, look for a skate that has a non-slip tongue.

Durability for longer play

Top manufacturers engineer skates to withstand cuts, abrasions and the force of a slapshot. Look for tough materials like carbon reinforcements and Ballistic nylon.

Ankle support

Hockey skates are built to give you the ultimate in support. Memory foam inserts, reinforced nylon quarters and heel locks help to keep your feet stable and your ankles supported. Look for those features. This prevents loss of power.

Pro tip: Hardcore players should go with a stiff boot while active players should look for a moderately stiff boot. Recreational players should opt for pure comfort. Also, consider your weight. Heavier players generally benefit from a stiffer boot.

Outsole: To accelerate, turn and stop, you need a responsive but rigid platform. I'll explain which materials to consider in a second. Think of the outsole as the platform the boot sits on. It contributes to the lightweight properties and responsiveness of the skate. It also acts as the blade-to-boot interface, giving you torsional rigidity and maximum energy transfer.

Some high end skates have a carbon or graphite reinforced outsole. It gives the skate its lightweight properties and maximum energy transfer that hardcore players thrive on. Other skates have outsoles with partial carbon or plastic reinforced outsoles.

Holder: The holder transfers energy from the boot to the managed hosting to give you maximum power. Much like the outsole, the holder gives you the benefit of torsional stiffness and maximum energy transfer. It transfers energy in three ways:

By focusing the energy generated by the boot and the outsole directly to the runner.

By remaining torsionally rigid; therefore, storing and transferring the energy that the player has generated with his or her stride.

By being lightweight, reducing fatigue on the player.

Pro tip: Hardcore and active players should look for lightweight, stiff holders for improved energy transfer. Recreational players should look for a plastic holder for value.

Runner: Also known as the blade, look for stainless steel (higher end) for durability or carbon (lower end) for value. Also known as the blade, the runner gives you the benefit of side to side stability with sharp edges, friction reduction, agility and durability.

You have two materials to choose from. Stainless steel will last longer and is more durable. Carbon steel is less durable than stainless but it's ideal for the value conscious player.

Most skates come with stainless steel runners.

Pro tip: While recreational players could benefit from the value of a carbon runner, hardcore and active players need the durability of stainless steel.

A Quick Heads Up...

Most of my high-end clients have two pairs of skates. If you play more than three or four times a week, you should consider it during the season. You can rotate one pair every four to six months. This ensures you'll always have one dry pair, broken in and ready to wear.

Well there you have it...be sure to check in with us often. We update our articles and blog all the time with the stuff to help you have the latest information on everything hockey.

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Posted by jodzrijt | 11:16 PM |

Online Stock Market

Stock Market

A market where the trading of company stocks and their derivatives is carried out is referred to as the stock market. The company stock and derivatives are basically securities, which are listed on the stock exchange along with the ones traded privately. The stock market trading known as the stock market trading refers to buying and selling of shares and stocks of the company.


Fernand Braudel, a famous historian, suggested that in the 11th century Cairo, the Jewish and Muslim merchants had set up all possible forms of trade lowest insurance rates and had vast knowledge of all methods of payment. The people of France in the 12th century were concerned with the management and regulation of the various debts of the agricultural communities on the behalf of the banks. These men traded with debts and were the first stock brokers. In the end of the 13th century, traders of commodities gathered at the house of a certain man called Van der Beurse and in the year 1309 they came to insurance quotes online known as the "Brugse Beurse". The idea of the institution spread around quickly and the institution opened up in the neighboring countries of Amsterdam and Ghent.

The bankers of Venetian began trading in government securities in the 13th century. In year 1351, the government of Venetian spread rumors with the intentions of lowering the price of funds of the government. Bankers from Genoa, Pisa, Verona and Florence followed suit of the bankers from Venetian and started trading in government securities in the 14th century. All this was feasible as these city-states were independent and were not under the rule of a monarch. The people of Dutch started a joint stock trade company that enabled the shareholders to invest in various business opportunities and to share the profits and losses of the business. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange saw the first shares issued by the Dutch East India Company in 1602. The Dutch East India Company was the first to issue bonds and stocks. The credit of the first stock exchange, which introduced continuous stock trade, belongs to The Amsterdam Stock Exchange (also known as the Amsterdam Beurs).

Nowadays every country has a stock market. The worlds largest stock market is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in the USA. The stock trade is carried out in more ways than one, the most efficient being online stock trading. The people who mediate the entire procedure of buying and selling stocks are known as the brokers. The emergence of online stock market trading led to the emergence of online stockbrokers.

Things to be considered before investing in the stock market:

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Posted by jodzrijt | 5:10 AM |

How Do Mutual Funds Work?

Gain is possibly Florida Lemon Laws one word that is imprinted in our minds ever since we first perceive the light of this world. If you agree with this notion of life, then you are someone who wants to play safe and yet make huge profits. For people like you, in 18th century Europe, economists came up with the brilliant idea of low risk-huge turnover concept of mutual funds. What exactly is a mutual fund? Is it an investment in stocks and shares or does it also involve bonds and securities? What are the risks involved? What are its advantages over the other stocks and funds available in the market? All these questions can be quite easily answered but first we must devote our time and attention to grasping the basic idea behind mutual funds.

To understand how mutual funds work is almost like child's play but investing in it wisely is a practice that gets better with experience. A mutual fund is an investor's pool that gathers money from a large number of investors and invests it in stocks and shares of diverse companies. The investments that are made are collectively known as the portfolio. The components of a mutual fund may be stocks, shares, and money market funds.

Generally these investments are bought buy an overseer called a professional investment manager, or an Asset Management mesothelioma information In true sense, a mutual fund is also an organization that manages the assets of several investors. The investment manager decides which stocks would yield the highest dividend, which investments are prone to market risks and how to avoid probable market crashes by selling the stocks at a particular time. These investment managers provide you that are the stakeholders or shareholders in the company's investment in understanding the mutual funds and its various intricacies.

Mutual funds are several types each divided into categories based on a certain criteria. For example there are load on funds where you have to pay a certain amount above the selling price of the stocks or shares to the investment manager at the time of buying or selling. If its front-end load on fund, then while buying the share or stock, the payment is made. In case of a rear end mutual fund, the payment has to be done during the process of selling the share or stock.

However, in to understand how mutual funds work, one has to know the three categories into which mutual fund investments are made-

1. Equity Funds: - These are composed of common stocks which are they a very risky investment. The best thing is that despite the high rich these provide a good income from the dividends obtained on the shares.

2. Government Bonds- These are bonds sold by the governments and professional security companies, which means that they are of a low risk nature. But along with the low risk involved comes the devil of low profits.

3. Balance Funds involve both government funds and common stocks from a wide range of companies. Here too the risks are low along with subsequent dip in the profit from each share. But since the investment is done, keeping in mind a diverse array of companies, the chances of a loss here or in this mutual fund INS highly minimized.

Mutual funds are subject to market risks. So, one should always read the offer document carefully before investing. Till then keep on researching and investing in mutual funds and try to spread your to understand how mutual funds work among the uniformed masses.

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Posted by jodzrijt | 4:38 AM |

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