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Friday, February 27, 2009

Top 5 STD Stories

Stories about sexually transmitted diseases may spread virally, but for anyone who missed them, here are Gold Key comics top 5 STD news stories to hit the headlines.


A new dating service has been created for people SpiderMan sexually transmitted diseases. A woman, who remains anonymous, came up with the idea when she feared she would find it hard to find a new partner after she was diagnosed with genital herpes.

Users are asked to reveal their disease alongside their personal details such as weight, eye colour and height.

Sheelagh, who does not have a sexually transmitted disease, added: 'People may use it simply to find friendship or a partner for an activity such as tennis. If they find love, then 1970's toys is a great thing as well.'

Syphilis for Christmas?

Manufacturers are hoping their range of cuddly toy versions of microbes including gonorrhea and syphilis will be a hit for Christmas.

US company Giant Microbes has turned microscopic images of viruses and bugs, which also include malaria and mad cow disease, into soft toys.

Each 5-to-7 inch doll is accompanied by an image of the real microbe it represents, as well as information about the microbe. They were intended as Sea Wees tools for children but have proved popular with adults looking for amusing gifts for partners and friends.

Men who pay for sex spread STDs

A study by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde also revealed that men 'playing away' on holiday are twice as likely to have unprotected sex as those paying for sex at home.

Almost half of men who pay for sex already have a partner, and although none of the men surveyed had HIV or Aids, a fifth had a sexually transmitted infection, including gonorrhoea, chlamydia and syphilis.

The research, which appears in October's Sexually Transmitted Infections Journal, surveyed more than 2,600 men attending the Sandyford sexual health clinic in Glasgow between October 2002 and February 2004.

A standard health-screening questionnaire completed by the men revealed that one in 10 had paid for sex. Almost half, 43%, said they were in another relationship when they had paid for the sex, and 56% of those who said they had paid for unprotected intercourse already had a partner at the time.

Plan for high street sex health kit

Free STD test kits for a range of sexually transmitted diseases could be made widely available on the high street under plans being considered by health ministers.

It follows the success of a pilot scheme under which Boots has given away 6,000 STD test kits for chlamydia to young people.

A DoH spokeswoman said of the STD tests: 'We are trying to normalise testing for STIs [sexually-transmitted infections] and remove the embarrassment factor by making testing available in places like pharmacies.'

One in Four Teenage Girls Has an STD

A new CDC study suggests one in every four teenage girls has an STD, and HPV, which can cause cervical cancer, is by far the most prevalent.

The girls, aged 14 to 19, had STD tests for four infections in the study. It found that 18 percent of participants had HPV, four percent had chlamydia, 2.5 percent had trichomoniasis and two percent had herpes simplex virus.

Tim Leach is the Marketing Manager of USA Lab Testing, providers of STD tests

Posted by jodzrijt | 5:29 AM |

Why Discount Cards Are the Easiest Form of Fundraising

Unlike most fundraisers, Discount Card Fundraisers are a win-win-win:
-Businesses like them because they bring in more customers. (Free advertising)
- Supporters like them because they save money with great discounts.
- Fundraising 1955 Topps baseball cards like them because they are highly profitable, customizable, and easy to sell.

If you have ever been involved with a fundraising PRODUCT like candy bars or candles you may already know some of Dark Shadows fans difficulties associated with storage and transportation. The person in charge generally ends using their living room as a storage unit, then the countless trips to load and unload the product out of your vehicle. Where I live in Florida we have the additional issue with heat. Storage in the garage is out as it may be 80 to 90 degrees in there, additionally Candy bars and candles can not be transported in a trunk or left in a car that is not already cooled off, or you could end up with one big candy bar with 20 wrappers in the middle or one very large candle with many wicks.

With Discount Fundraising Cards storage and transportation is a breeze, one or two boxes depending on the size of your organization.

But what about distribution, if your organization is small like a Boy scout or Girl scout troop (10-12 kids), then this is a non-issue. But if you have 300 people in your group, there needs to be a distribution chain of command (more loading and unloading of boxes). IF you have to distribute your fundraising through coaches, would you rather have to give them each 15 - 10 pound boxes of chocolate? or hand them Tales of Suspense envelope? With cards each coach simply gets an envelope and then gives each child/parent a few cards right there at practice on the field. With candy bars you would need to have a parking lot meeting before or after practice (that doesn't work here in Florida, they would be melted) and what do you do with the extra box for that child that missed practice that day?

With logistics aside, lets take a look from an economic point of view.

With candy bars the club or organization makes money (about 50% of money collected). Money is collected up front and then the family eats the candy bars. Sure the chocolate is higher quality than found in the store, but they are not a great deal, so the end result is they family eats 10 lbs of over-priced chocolate, if a sale is made to an outsider, they are not getting a good deal they are donating with the appearance of a product exchanging hands. what value there is, it is gone 5 minutes later. how often is a donation made where the person does not want the candy bar?

With cards the organization makes 50% to 90% and local businesses gain new clients or gain loyalty from their existing customers, this is not only good for the community but also tends to increase awareness and sponsorship. When a sale is made the card holder will generally recoup their costs with one or two uses of the card with out changing their purchasing habits. However; they will have use of the card for an entire year, saving multiple Green Lantern the cost of the card. People ask to see the offers on the back of the card and then ask to buy them when they see what a great deal it is for them.

Brass tax .... more on economics... 100 children

Chocolate bar sales
Sales per child 20
Profit per sale $1
Profit per child $20
funds raised for entire organization $2000

Fundraising discount card sales
Sales per child 10 (half as many sales)
Profit per sale $8
Profit per child $80
funds raised for entire organization $8000

There are many fundraising cards companies to chose from. Make sure to do some comparing and look for companies that will do everything like

- Procure the sponsors for your group's Fundraising Discount Cards
- Create a custom design for your cards.
- Use high quality plastic with the look and feel of a credit card
- Give you a choice of colors and print the cards
- Ship the cards at no cost to you
- Will teach you how to organize your fundraiser
- Offer Quality customer service with extended hours (we can't always volunteer between 9 and 5)
- and make sure there are not extra hidden charges

Fundraising Discount Cards are a proven money maker for schools, groups and organizations. I hope you will consider them for your next fundraiser.

Mark South


Posted by jodzrijt | 4:54 AM |

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