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Monday, March 16, 2009

Interpreting Tarot Cards - Reading For Yourself

The first and most important rule of interpreting tarot cards is that it is a deeply personal process. Paradoxically, this actually makes it harder to get right, although more satisfying when you do. We have written this tarot card explanation to try and help you see what you can achieve, how you go about getting started and hopefully then steer you in the right direction of your own, unique psychic development.

So, where do you begin? Firstly by recognising that, as powerful as interpreting tarot cards SpiderMan more accurately, their symbolism) can be, your instinct remains your most powerful tool. The good news is, this is something you already own!

Through exploring your emotions and gut feelings, you discover who you really are which inevitably leads to greater insight into your future and the reasons why predicted events are likely to happen. And, because 'knowledge is power', you'll be much more able to do something about it.

But first, let's become acquainted with the traditional tarot cards interpretation and where it fits in with your development. These days, they are primarily used as a divination tool but, as mentioned above, when used in conjunction with psychic instinct, can also tell us more about ourselves as individuals.

A Brief Tarot Card Explanation

The wisdom and symbolism of the tarot has been around for centuries and its lessons and instruction are as relevant to the world today as they ever were. Regardless of the theme of the tarot cards you have chosen (or been drawn to), each card will still retain its unique message.

A pack, or deck, contains 78 cards, and they are grouped in pretty much the same way as your average playing cards. A card's first distinction is to belong to either the Major Arcana or Minor Arcana (arcana meaning secret), which in itself helps in interpreting the tarot cards that have been selected during a reading.

Minor Arcana are split into 4 houses, each drawing your attention to an area of life that you need to focus on. Here's a very general breakdown of their meanings:

The Wands symbolise life's challenges.
The Cups 'runneth over' with emotions and feelings.
Swords mean you're facing an important 1982 Fleer baseball cards
Pentacles represent action or practical solutions.

The Major Arcana are usually considered to be more heavyweight. When interpreting tarot cards of the Major Arcana, it's time to be brave and to reflect honestly on the issues that these cards raise as they tend to get straight to the point. If you produce a high number of major arcanas in a reading, then it's likely that you are currently going through a very emotional or challenging time.

Interpreting Tarots Cards for Yourself

Back to the statement that we opened the article with - why is it paradoxically harder to get interpreting tarot cards right when it's such a personal process? The answer is that you are very often too closely involved in your own situation and may have preconceived ideas on what you think or hope the answers should be. This will only lead to you favouring 1888 Allen and Ginter interpretation over another to suit your preferred outcome.

Needless to say, you will gain little or nothing from this exercise.

However, the most wonderful thing about the tarot is that it is there for you and will be bringing you the truth whatever the circumstances. Whether you are getting a reading from a professional or using the cards by yourself, profound wisdom and guidance is right in front of you.

When starting out, take your time and try to look for general themes and consistencies in the cards you draw. These will be the areas that you need most to focus on improving and maybe even, after a gap of about a week, consult the cards on more specifically. Arm yourself with a set of good books on tarot cards to help you with meanings, but be patient as there is so much information that it can be overwhelming. Learning the tarot is a lifetime practise, and nobody should expect to become an expert overnight! The more you work at interpreting tarot cards, the more it will start to seem more like a 2-way conversation with a wise and learned old friend.

Finally, a word on psychic ability. We are all psychic to one degree or another and rely on our intuition on a daily basis whether we know it or not. You may not have experienced visions of the future or be able to channel feelings as gifted psychics and readers can but the tarot will start to draw out this latent ability out in you. Psychic intuition will often be your first and strongest reaction. Once you learn to hear its 'voice', it will be easier to recognise as you spiritually progress.

For tarot cards and other mystical & new age items, please visit our store at http://www.destinycharms.co.uk

Francesca Ashcroft x

Posted by jodzrijt | 8:32 AM |

Gold Coins Review

If gold coins were in use today, most of the others we see around would not be in use. The ones that were used in days gone to conduct business transactions existed until 1933 when other forms of metal money were introduced. The history of precious metal being used as money dates back to 5600 BC, which were invented by a Lydian king by the name of Croesus. Today, they are treasured for the value they hold in investment stocks.

Gold is a valuable item because it is not easy to come by, it has a rare uniqueness Cinema of Fear further more, its worth never depreciates. Today, they are used investment items that are risk free and which are thought to increase in value as time goes by.

Every country has got its own stock of coins made of precious metal. In the United States, they are known as American Eagle, in Canada it is called Maple leaf, in Australia it is known as Australian Kangaroo, in China it is called China Panda, in Austria, Austrian Philharmonic, in South Africa, Krugerrand, in Europe it is called Euro, in Switzerland, Swiss Vreneli, in Russia, Russian Chervonets and in the UAE, there is the Gold Dinar.

Gold coins Vac-U-Form no value printed on them and the worth depends on the weight and the current market rate. They are made in variations of of Kilograms or ounces. You will find that countries have a mark on these objects which differentiate them from those of other countries. The designs may be changed with every passing year to showcase the significance of that particular year. One thing to be ware of is the counterfeit dimes that are in the market today!

Peter Gitundu Famous First Edition and Reports on Coins. For More Information on Gold Coins, Visit His Site at GOLD COINS. You Can Also Add Your Views About Gold Coins At GOLD COINS.

Posted by jodzrijt | 7:57 AM |

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