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Friday, October 24, 2008

To Zoo Or Not to Zoo

I have read quite a couple educational loan consolidation discussions over at the flickr website as well as other websites regarding animals kept in zoos and animals in the wild.There is a lot to be said about this. People on one side of the fence and other people on the other side. Where do I sit?. Well kind of in the middle. You see in my own experience I have seen both worlds as I live in South asp net webhosting were we have both. Question - do we really have wild animals? Well we have game parks and zoos.For a start take the Kruger national Park. This park is the size of England even so it still has fences, yes to me these animals conference calls unlimited still captive, just a bigger area. In this area ALL animals are allowed to go were they please as long as its behind a fence. They are basically left to fend for themselves example catch there own food and fight for survival so you can drive around looking at them and take pictures if you want to.This park offers the best deal money wise for the average South remortgage loans to go and see their animals in the so called "wild".Private game parks - well if you are a tourist to South Africa and use US dollars great!. Costing you a average of 300 US dollars a day, expensive hey!Forget it if you are South African, that's more than some people earn in a month or even 3 months. So what do they offer better than the Kruger,soft beds,slap up meals,oh yes and a swimming pool, you can drive around these parks and see very little in a week back tax relief your own personal game Ranger WOW ! If you want the "OUT OF AFRICA" experience you gonna pay! This is big business and a major part of the countries income by the way they still have fences so really the animals are still captive to me.

OK then there are the zoo's. I've been to Pretoria zoo and Joburg zoo the animals there do not look unhappy, they are fed very well and a vet is on standby 24/7. A proven fact all over the world is that most animals in captivity last longer but yes, they are in enclosures not cages anymore and I must admit this still saddens me, however I cannot afford private game park prices to see animals in the "wild".The zoo's cost an average of 4 US dollars entrance fee for that you see all our animals I agree this is looking at it from a human perspective but if it wasn't for zoo's half of my American and European friends would never get to see these animals,the zoo's are doing their best to look after these animals and for you guys to see these creatures. Also think about this, if we were to take all the animals from the zoo's and put them back in the "wild" whats going to happen? Well first thing is poachers, hunters even people in Africa will eat them comes to mind. Do the math! Look at what we have done in the past as Humans.

So my take is this, stop knocking zoo's,they have their place - not the best idea but they do a good job. Wanna see animals in the "wild" then go to the "Kruger National Park" but that place still has fences.Oh yes and people calling themselves true animal lovers do not take cheetah cubs off their mother who has done nothing wrong, so they can hand raise them and get a higher price for them on the open market because they are humanised now, and then sell to zoo's and wildlife parks around the world. They don't care to who, just highest bidder gets it. This happened here at a Game reserve not at a zoo.Don't get me wrong the best place for animals is in the wild but were on this planet is it still TRULY WILD ? To sum up game parks are better as size of enclosures are concerned but that's it! footnote: If you are thinking of the amazon is still "wild"I don't think you can send African animals there.

Posted by jodzrijt | 6:14 AM |

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