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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fat Pills At Work

Its November 13th 2006 and I already feel and see the panic in peoples eyes, Thanksgiving and Christmas is around the corner this means one thing! New years resolutions and fad diets are going to be a big hit come January 1st 2007.

Maybe your resolution is to drop those 10lbs or get back into exercising on a regular basis, whatever your resolution is lets talk about fad diets and what we can do to make sure they are no longer part of our lives.

First off what is a FAD DIET? A fad diet is a weight loss plan or aid that promises dramatic results. These diets don't offer long-term success, and they are usually not very healthy. Some of them can actually be dangerous to your health. Some common diet types are Pennsylvania Lemon Laws below.

Controlled Carbohydrates: Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, The Zone, and The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet.

High Carbohydrate/Low Fat: Dr. Dean Ornish: Eat More, Weigh Less, The Good Carbohydrate Revolution, The Pritikin Principle

Controlled Portion Sizes: Dr. Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss, Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan

Food Combining: Fit for Life, Suzanne Somers' Somersizing

Liquid Diets: Cambridge Diet, Slim-Fast

Diet Pills/Herbal Remedies: Dexatrim Natural, Hydroxycut, Metabolife 356

My goodness I could go on and on and list so many more fad diets but thats not my job is it? Now that we know some types of fads that are out there how can we recognize if what we are buying is a fad?

As a general rule, steer clear of diets or diet products that do any of the following:

- Claim to help you lose weight very quickly (more than 1 or 2 pounds per week). Remember, it took time for you to gain unwanted weight and it will take time to lose it.

- Promise that you can lose weight and keep it off without giving up "fatty foods or exercising on a regular basis. If a diet plan or product sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

- Base claims on "before and after" photos.

- Offer testimonials from clients or "experts" in weight loss, science or nutrition. Remember that these people are probably being paid to advertise the diet plan or product.

- Draw simple conclusions from complex medical research.

- Limit your food choices and don't encourage you to get balanced nutrition by eating a variety of foods.

- Require you to spend a lot of money on things like seminars, pills or prepackaged meals in order for the plan to work.

YIPPEE! We can officially say good bye to fad diets, now that we got fad diets out of the way lets talk about the miracle pill.

Here are some of the results from studies performed with various diet supplements: read the story here.

HOW badly do you want to lose weight and what lengths are you willing to go to? Well, would you take something that gave you a headache, insomnia or a dry mouth? What if you had to pay for such a pill but even if you took it and risked the side effects, you STILL had to "eat a balanced diet and exercise"? Would you be happy to pay the money, suffer the side effects and STILL do what you should be doing anyway--eating healthful foods and exercising?

As you may guess, there are many dangerous supplements out there which make claims of peeling off the fat and boosting metabolism - yet, with no regard for the safety of the consumer. It's been said before, and here it is again: just because it's edible doesn't mean its safe! The same goes for these types of supplements: just because they make the claims and it's ok to be sold....doesn't mean that they're safe. These supplements have become so mainstream that too many people are taking them without realizing what's in them. Not to mention the fact that what is on the labels is not always what is in the bottle.

So take note: the next time you think about picking up a bottle of diet supplements, make sure you know what you're getting yourself into - the content, the effects, the side effects, and the risks. You just can't get around good old-fashioned exercise for boosting your metabolism and burning off the fat. Take a walk, enjoy the fresh air, the sunshine, the company of a walking partner, the scenery, the time to think; OR go to the gym with a partner and get on the cardio equipment while you listen to a motivational CD.

People opting for the miracle "diet pill" don't want to "EAT A HEALTHY BALANCED DIET AND EXERCISE"--they want to pop the pill and watch their fat vanish effortlessly!

That's like having a winning lottery ticket but told that you will have to work 9-5 everyday to earn the money at an hourly wage. You wouldn't really feel like you won anything, right?!

FINALLY the pharmaceutical giants are getting a dose of Trim Spa, Metabolife and Xenadrine reality by having to ADMIT that in order to see REAL results the person must follow a healthy diet and exercise.

Well then, what's the pill for?! To give us headaches, diaherea, constipation, dry mouth and sleepless nights?

NO THANK YOU! I will just continue to live a healthy active life, eat a healthy diet, exercise, drink water and take my daily dose of fruit/veggie insurance!

Take the road that may be longer, but is more sound, safe, and desirable when it comes to results. Not only for your body, but for your mind and your sense of accomplishment - there is nothing in a bottle that can provide that!

Nelson Roque is a Fitness/Body Mind Weight Loss Mentor who has lost 86lbs; he is also a sports nutritionist who focuses on total body well-being.

For more information please visit the following websites for daily inspiration and motivation to get your journey of a healthy active lifestyle started.


If you have any questions, concerns or need help with getting motivated / inspired you may contact me at href="mailto:nelson@theweightingroom.comnelson@theweightingroom.com

Posted by jodzrijt | 8:19 AM | E-mail this post

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