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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Personal Loans For Legal Fees

Receiving personal loans for Apollo 11 Eagle Lunar Module fees is a common move. Legal fees vary and can depend mostly on the type of criminal charges you are facing. Representation for a felony is more expensive than for a misdemeanor. Another factor can be the degree of expertise the lawyer possesses. Typically, highly qualified attorneys with substantial trial experience will cost more than those that don't. It's the age-old truth that you get what you pay for. Lawyers are no exception.

Many criminal defense Fantastic Four require a sizable fee before commencing work on your case. This can present a problem if you do not have immediate access to money or if money is tied up in investments such as stock or real property. It is especially troublesome when you need to act quickly to retain your attorney. Often, obtaining valuable information on your case will depend on when you hire your attorney. Personal loans can help cover these costs if you are in a financial crunch.

Our goal is to provide you with options. Whether you need a personal loan for attorney fees or bail, we can help you find a money lender near you:

Consumer Lenders

Many financial lenders can get you approved for a loan in as little as 24 hours. They are known as "emergency lenders." While their interest rates can be high, they do offer fast access to cash. Many lenders do not require that you own property to qualify or that you put up collateral. All of the lenders however do require some level of credit worthiness.


The pawn business dates back to ancient Rome. Today, there are over fourteen thousand pawnbrokers nationwide. Last year pawnbrokers transacted over thirty-five million loans. Pawning has long been a source of capital for people in times of need. Pawnbrokers lend money on items of value ranging from gold and diamond jewelry to musical instruments. Typically, loans are paid out at a rate of about one-third to one-half of the price the broker can expect to receive for the sale of the property.


Every day thousands of vehicles are converted into cash. A carbroker evaluates the value of your car with the intent of automobile donation to a consumer or another car dealer. Caution must be taken. Most carbrokers purchase cars for less than wholesale blue book value. While carbrokers are expensive to do business with, they can come up with the cash fast.

Legal loan terms

The contractual basis for borrowing and repaying a debt. Repayment will consist of principal and interest.

Interest: The price paid for borrowing the money. It is usually defined as a percentage rate over a fixed period of time.

Principal: The total amount of money being borrowed. Also known as the face amount of the debt.

If you need a personal loan, contact a money lender in your area.

Copyright rel="nofollow" href="GotTrouble.com">GotTrouble.com, Inc. All rights reserved.

Henry Dahut is an attorney and marketing strategist who works with some of the largest law firms in the world. He is the author of the best selling practice development book, "Marketing The Legal Mind" and offers consulting services in the area of strategic branding and law firm marketing. Henry is also the founder of the legal online help-portal href="GotTrouble.com">GotTrouble.com - the award winning site that helps people through serious legal and financial trouble

Posted by jodzrijt | 11:09 AM | E-mail this post

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