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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Steps To Successful Goal Achievement

I'm guessing we've all done it, after an important birth date or some other event or circumstance which evokes that feeling of 'what am I doing with my life' or 'what is Mirtazapine I really want?'

For many of us it is related life insurance quotes exercise, or to becoming a non-smoker, perhaps it is about your employment status or your relationships. Whatever it is, we make a firm and solemn vow that we Missouri Lemon Laws make the desired adjustments to our lives to create the things to which we aspire.

And for the first week or two it all goes swimmingly.

We walk... jog...yoga every single day. We go for three whole days without succumbing to our addictions. We compose our best ever employment/retirement pitch. We eat only life giving, healthful food.

It is marvellous, easy and so enriching.

And then we go back to work. Or the kids come back from visiting their grandparents, or New Years Eve arrives with a bang! Then the pull of the old familiar routine begins to assert itself and we find ourselves without the time to pursue these high ideals.

Here is the first of the clues I Refinance with bad credit discovered to assist us in remaining connected, committed and accountable to our goals, dreams and desires.

1. Routine:

Just look at what we already achieve every single day of our lives. Now I know it's different for each one of us but it is no less astounding when we really sit down and take a look at it.

Most of us manage home, family, work, friend, social, church and sporting commitments and at the same time manage to eat, shop and pay the bills each month. How do we do it?

We have a routine and that is the beginning of being wonderfully productive, almost effortlessly. Build in your goals, dreams and desires. Find out what is required to achieve them and then make it part of your daily, weekly or monthly regular routine.

Of course that's not the end of it but it is a great start to things being different "This Time!" Your cherished wishes for yourself and your loved ones will soon become part of what you do and who you are and that is a key component to them becoming manifest in your reality.

The second clue to achieving your dreams, goals and desires is to make them real. What does that mean? Well, I sat down recently and tried to remember last year's birthday resolutions. I couldn't remember them exactly although I know they are always about being healthier so that I can have lots more birthdays! But what the details were I can't share with you because I didn't bother to make them really real for myself. I didn't connect with them on any emotional level, I didn't commit to them. So what is clue number two?

2. Commitment:

Oh, I know that is such an awful word and right now we just want to run away and hide! Before you start running just think about your commitment to your kids or your parents or your life partner? That's pretty easy isn't it? Well most of the time it is and that is because of the Love Factor.

Love is an emotion and it is also the key to developing a commitment to something you want for yourself or for others. It will be the thing that makes you go that extra step when you don't really feel like it, or when you are tired or busy.

That emotional connection to the thing that is important to you, that you desire to create in your life is the very thing that will help you make it real for you. DO NOT set a goal that you are not in love with. If it does not excite you or make you feel happy when you think about it then it is not a real goal, dream or desire for you.

At this point you have some soul searching to do. Is this something that you really want or is it someone else you are trying to please?

Develop goals, dreams and desires that you can fall in love with and you are so far towards achieving them you just won't believe how the world comes forward to assist you.

Which leads me to the third clue I have discovered about achieving goals, dreams and desires and actually making them manifest donating cars your life. It has to do with sharing. One person can achieve so much but a group of people can achieve so much more, especially if they share a common vision.

3. Accountability:

Share your vision with someone else who will be able to assist you with your goals, dreams and desires. Find someone to walk with, someone you can call if you fall behind or if you begin to doubt yourself, someone who can share your excitement, offer you assistance, help you stay inspired.

It might be a family member, a co-worker, a parent, a child. They will act as a reminder of your commitment to yourself to achieve what you have set out to achieve. They will gently remind you of your desire to eat healthy food or they will knock on your door ready to walk through the park on a Saturday morning (or they will wag their tail at you as you pass by their leash - you only have to notice!) and they will listen without judgement as you express your doubts, fears and failings and then they will remind you of the vision they share with you and support and inspire you to continue forward.

We seem to have a tendency to think we have to do things on our own but my experience is that when we share our vision with others the Love Factor is multiplied to such an extent that we create such momentum towards that which we have decided to create for ourselves that failure is almost impossible.

Of course there are many factors in the equation when you begin the process of setting goals, dreaming dreams and fulfilling desires. There is an abundance of tools, processes and programs we can utilise. However, at the core of each one you should look for these three things to see if you can sustain your efforts on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

When you set your goals, dream your dreams and create your desires for the coming period of your life remember to make them real. Connect with them emotionally, cultivate that feeling of excitement, and develop the Love energy around them. Then go out and find the person or people with whom you can share your vision. Select them specifically for their ability to support your efforts and then let them too become excited and connected to your vision. Then find ways to build all of that into your routine. Every day, every week, every month so that it becomes part of who you are and what you do, so that it is effortless.

Take the time to find the resources, the people, the processes that support you in becoming the person you want to be, living the life you want to live and giving to the world the talents, gifts and skills you were born to share. Come to know yourself well so that when you seek to manifest something which you are truly passionate about, the things you need to assist you will flow to you effortlessly.

Cate Ferguson lives in Australia and has been involved in the Personal Growth and Empowerment field for many years. She is currently writing a book on Life Purpose which will be published in 2008.

Cate Ferguson produces a monthly newsletter and is the author of a 5 part ecourse 5 Steps to Discover your life purpose. To subscribe for free go to

Newsletter - "http://flipside.cateferguson.com http://flipside.cateferguson.com
ecourse - "http://lifepurpose.cateferguson.com http://lifepurpose.cateferguson.com

Posted by jodzrijt | 8:38 AM | E-mail this post

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