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Monday, October 20, 2008

Why Writing Down Goals Increases Your Income by 1000%

Let me share a short story with you. Back in 2006, I was so frustrated with my dead Lerynfranco job that I decided to write down 10 things I want to get Maryland Lemon Laws of, by 2007. So in other words, I created a list of goals. What happened was that I put the list away and I didn't look at it until the end of 2007, when I found it in my cabinet. I realized that three of them had been hit and the three of them were not small goals.

In this article I'm going to share with you why writing down goals increases your chance of achieving them by 1000%. I did not come with the statement. A success guru by the name of Brian Tracy said this in his seminars, called 'The Success Mastery System'. He said that if you were to write down your goals, you actually increase the chances of achieving them by a total of 1000% or more.

There are three reasons why writing down goals helps in such a way. Number one is that it activates your reticular activating system or RAS in short. Your mind can only hold seven bits of information at a time. The reason is because so many things happen around you for example sights, sounds, smell and sensations. Your brain has to make sense of what's going endowments selling and give the most relevant information.

When you write your goals down, your mind begins to filter whatever that is irrelevant and filter in whatever is relevant to helping you achieve the goals. That is why writing down goals is so important because it helps you to trigger off situations and people that would help you achieve your goals.

The second reason why writing down goals important and increases your chance of success is that activates the law of attraction. The law of Pennsylvania Lemon Laws is a beaten down phrase, but it actually works. There is a scientific backing to what law of attraction means and what the law of attraction does.

Everything around us is vibration even yourself. You are in constant vibration, whether you know it or not, because all matter consolidation loan stafford student So long as there is temperature, it vibrates. Even your thoughts are a form of vibration with a frequency.

What happens is that in writing down goals, you would emit a particular vibration from yourself because you feel good writing down goals. No one feels bad or feels horrible writing goals. You actually get a high from writing down goals. So when you get that high feeling and sensation, it actually activates the law of attraction. This helps you to achieve your goals much faster.

The third and final reason why writing down goals increases your chances of success is that it helps increase your desire to achieve your goals. If you were to write down your goals regularly, you will be reminded that you have goals in mind. That'll put you in the top 1% of the entire population because everyone, almost everyone walking on the streets has no goals. But you have them and you are reminding yourself of your goals everyday.

Writing down goals help you to focus on what's important in your life and keeps you on track to achieve success. I've share with you, the top three reasons why writing on goals increases the chances of achieving them by a 1000%. Now what you have to do is to go ahead and begin writing down goals.

Perry is a speaker, trainer, author and coach. Give him 30 secs, and he can help someone dare to dream again. Using his method of covert conversational hypnosis, he now speaks and trains for a multimillion dollar training company in Singapore. Download your report on "Conversational Hypnosis" for FREE. Click "http://empoweringcommunicator.com here to download.

Posted by jodzrijt | 12:32 PM | E-mail this post

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