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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Law of Attraction - Can You Use it to Win the Lottery?

The Law of Attraction says that what you believe and expect you will create into your life.Wanting to win Micro Machines lottery to bring a windfall of money into the financial struggles right now is the hope and desire of quite a few people.

You do not have to have money to attract money.However, feeling poor is not going to attract money for you.If you worry about things going wrong right now, that doesn't make for good feelings.It is your feelings that tell you which side of the vibrations you are sending out into the universe. You have to find ways to improve the way you feel right now before you can make things change.

You may wish to win the lottery and say affirmations to that effect.This is one of those times that affirmations won't work, because deep down you know the odds against winning, so your expectations for winning the lottery aren't coming from a powerful place.Your beliefs are counteracting your desires.

Hoping to win is much more productive than doubting, but expecting is a much more powerful emotion than just hoping.Sometimes expecting something to happen that you've never experienced before is difficult.Start out by relaxing and making up how you would feel if Garbage Pail Kids were to happen.You have to begin telling yourself a new story about what your situation is.I make promises to you about how the Law of Attraction will work Qee your life, but I won't promise you'll win the lottery. I, too have a belief of the odds against it.

I do know that by shifting your thoughts and the things you tell yourself and others to a more 1972 Topps baseball cards direction--the way you want instead of what you already have, your attention will shift and you will get different results.Soon, because you are getting different results, it increases your belief in abundance and that perpetuates more of the same.

You've heard the 1921 Koester Bread baseball cards "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" and the reason is because of their thinking and feeling about what is going on. Your life experiences tend to create your beliefs, so you have to change beliefs first, then your experiences will change. Look for reasons to feel good, it raises your vibrational frequency and that produces different results than what you are getting.

The experiences you have had have created beliefs about finances and those beliefs are very strong.It is not an easy thing to rid your consciousness of them.But today you CAN start by making up a new story to tell.The story that you tell is not a white lie, it is how you desire your life to be, repeated to yourself many times, and your subconscious will accept it and then give you promptings to make it happen.It doesn't matter to your subconscious that what you tell it isn't true. It will still accept it as truth. Make your story with all the uplifting and positive feelings that you can and then watch what happens.This is the Law of Attraction at work.

If you want to know better how to listen within, you can download a free ebook, href="secretsofmagicwanda.com/2203-o.html">Learn Listening Within

You don't have to learn the Law of Attraction all by yourself. You have Your Own Magic Wanda who is your inner guidance. She knows how to make the Law work FOR you. Mareen Robinson is a published author, newspaper columnist, teacher and coach of the Law of Attraction. She offers tips, techniques and other great stuff about accelerating your attracting powers. Visit her for other free stuff at yourmagicwanda.comyourmagicwanda.com

Posted by jodzrijt | 7:48 AM | E-mail this post

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